Scalar Energy Pendant is also known as Quantum Science Pendant. Quantum Pendant is a Natural Energy generating device which improves metabolic and circulatory functions of the body to achieve optimal holistic health. It contains high quality volcanic minerals that efficiently produce the powerful scalar energy. It also neutralizes the harmful effects of external electromagnetic radiation. Quantum Pendant helps our cells return to their rhythm of life and regain their ability to repair themselves. The scalar energy in the Quantum Science Pendant does not diminish.
4 (H) x 4 (W) cm approx
21 gms approx
Quantum Pendant is already a natural energy generating device which will further Energized by our Guruji before being sent and therefore you can directly start wearing it as soon as it reaches to you.
All Information provided is for informational purpose only. By no means is any information presented here in, intended to substitute for the advice provided to you by your own doctor, physician or health care provider.