Goddess Lakshmi is big hearted and generous donor of all kinds of Wealth and Happiness. Goddess Lakshmi controls the entire riches of the universe and therefore if she is impressed, she can make a king out of even a beggar within no times. Devi Lakshmi is commonly portrayed sitting on a fully blossomed Lotus flower in which Lotus is the symbol of entire universe and Goddess Lakshmi is the glowing heart of it. The four arms stands for the four directions and they manifest the omnipresence and omnipotence of the Great Goddess. A person who installs this Crystal Lakshmi Idol with full faith and devotion is blessed by Goddess Lakshmi ji with never ending Money and Material comforts. It is advisable to place the Crystal Lakshmi Idol in the Puja place to ward off the negative energies as the Crystal is the symbol of Purity and Goddess Lakshmi engraved in the Crystal Stone blesses the wearer with Positivity, Wealth and Unending money.