
7 Chakras Stone Bracelet

Product Code: STBR02
This Bracelet is made using semi-precious stones of 7 different colors, each color represents a particular Chakra. Wearing this bracelet will bring balance to your body chakras and bestow good Fortune, Health, Happiness, Prosperity and cordial Relationships.
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7 Chakras Stone Bracelet

Chakra is an Energy center meaning a Wheel or Circuit that rotates on its axis. According to Ancient Saints, our body structure is divided into Energy fields called Chakras. Each Chakra is related to a specific Element and they are arranged lengthwise in the body and are in balance with each other. An unbalanced Energy field due to any reason may cause a blockage in the flow of energy. Each Chakra has a specific colour related to it which is of vital importance for correcting a unbalanced Chakra or providing strength to it. The Chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, colours, sounds, body functions & emotions. Activating these Chakras by various techniques can help a person to activate his body or mind connections thereby overcoming different diseases.

It is of utmost importance that a person should know about the various chakras because of their varied properties so that it can be assessed as to which chakra needs to be balanced. We, at Divine Rudraksha, have developed a Special Bracelet which helps in balancing the Energy levels of all the 7 Chakras at the same time. This Bracelet is made using semi-precious stones of 7 different colors, each color represents a particular Chakra. Wearing this bracelet will bring balance to your body chakras. In short, the 7 Chakras Bracelet generates good Fortune, good Health, Happiness, Prosperity and cordial Relationships to the wearer.

Base Material

white metal


semi precious stones with diamond cut

Size of Stones used

2.5 to 3 mm approx

Who can wear

It is especially designed for females, therefore any women can wear it without any restrictions

Length of Bracelet

7 inches approx

A Brief Description about each of the 7 Chakras :

First Chakra - Root Chakra ( Muladhara Chakra )

RepresentsEmotional & Mental foundation
Located atBase of spine in Tailbone area
Relates toPhysical Body support, Blood & Immune system
Positive AttributesPurity, Security & Prosperity
Negative AttributesExcessive Passion & Lust
Emotional AspectsFinancial Independence, Money and Food
ElementEarth which nurtures all that we do and it represents Solidity and Stability
DiseasesBack Pain, Scoliosis, Rectal Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and Skin Problems as well
For healing the
Root Chakra
One can consume Red coloured foods like Apple & Beets, Red colored Spices like Red Pepper and Red chillies, Veg from ground like Potatoes and Carrots

Second Chakra - Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra)
RepresentsOur connections and Ability to accept the changes and New Experiences
Located atLower Abdomen or at the Sacrum which is the densest bone in the spinal column
Relates toSexuality and Sensuality, Feeling and Intimacy, Personal Powers and Creativity, Relationships and Pleasure
Positive AttributesRhythm, Accuracy & the Power of Self Identification
Negative AttributesFeeling of Anger and Lack of Interest or Concern about emotional, social, spiritual & physical life
Emotional AspectsSense of Abundance, Pleasure and Sexuality
ElementWater element which represents Emotional depth and Instinctive feeling. Moreover, this element sustains Life and it is the medium in which the life was created
DiseasesLower Back pain, Sexual impotency, Urinary problems and Appendicitis
For healing the
Sacral Chakra
One can consume fruits like Oranges or Orange coloured citrus fruits and Nuts of all types
Third Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra) 
RepresentsDevelopment of one's Personality, Self-esteem, Ego and Personal powers
Located atUpper Abdomen in the Stomach area
Relates toAbility to be confident
Positive AttributesPeace & Services to God
Negative AttributesFeeling of Obesity, Fear & Materialism
Emotional AspectsSelf-worth, Self-confidence and Self Esteem
ElementFire element which represents Optimism, Enthusiasm and Motivation as well as Anger & War. Moreover, the fire element symbolizes the Life force.
DiseasesUlcers, Irritable bowel syndrome, Heartburn, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Indigestion, Anorexia, Bulimia and Hepatitis
For healing the
Solar Plexus Chakra
One can consume Yellow coloured foods like Corn, Grains and Fibre like Whole wheat bread, Tea of peppermint and chamomile flavours
Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)
RepresentsIntuition, Ability to Love, Kindness and Affection. It is associated with a gradual increase in Conciousness
Located atIn the center of the Heart
Relates toAbility and Quality of Love towards Self and Others as well
Positive AttributesLove, Gentleness, Adoration and Healing
Negative AttributesHostility, Lethargy, Passivity, Laziness and Feeling of Jealousy & Bitterness
Emotional AspectsLove, Joy, Forgiveness and Inner Peace
ElementAir element which represents Thoughts and Movement. It symbolizes expansive and original thinking as well as wisdom and understanding of things.
DiseasesHeart Attacks, Hypertension, Chest pain, Heart failure, Asthma, Allergies, Upper back and Shoulder problems and Breast cancer
For healing the
Heart Chakra
One can consume Green coloured foods like Leafy vegetables and Green Tea
Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra)
RepresentsFaith, Self Expression and Ability to communicate
Located atThroat
Relates toAbility to communicate and Express ourselves
Positive AttributesPeace, Calm, Emotional Balance, Joy, Determination and will for Action
Negative AttributesJealousy & Misuse of Personal Power
Emotional AspectsCommunication, Self expression of feelings, Speaking the Truth and Holding Secrets
ElementEther element, this is the element of cosmos and creations. It represents the vibration of thought-energy.
DiseasesMouth ulcers, Gum problems, Chronic Neck pain, Swollen glands, Thyroid and temporo-mandibular joint problems
For healing the
Throat Chakra
One can consume Juices and fruits of all types
Sixth Chakra - Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra)
RepresentsIntellect, Visualization, Insightness, Imagination and Reasoning
Located atForehead between the eyes
Relates toAbility to Focus, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Light & Telepathy
Positive AttributesMental Ability, Concentration and Inner Wisdom
Negative AttributesPride, Arrogance and Suspicion
Emotional AspectsAbility to think and make Decisions, Wisdom and Imagination
ElementEnlightment and Liberation, this is the element of open-mindness and curiosity. This element gives the ability to see what is unseen.
DiseasesBrain Tumor, Neurological Disturbances, Blindness, Deafness & Learning Disabilities
For healing the Third 
Eye Chakra
One can consume Purple coloured fruits e.g Grapes & Blueberries, Chocolate, Lavender flavoured spices or Tea
Seventh Chakra is known as Crown Chakra (Sahastrar Chakra)
RepresentsYour Spiritual nature and the Divine, where you allow spirituality to become a part of your physical life
Located atTop of the Head
Relates toAbility to be fully connected spiritually & Enlightenment
Positive AttributesInfinity, Unity, Freedom & Divine level of conciousness
Negative AttributesNone
Emotional AspectsInner & Outer beauty, Our connection to spirituality, Pure Bliss
ElementEnlightment and Liberation is also the element of this Chakra, this is the element of open-mindness and curiosity. This gives the ability to see what is unseen.
DiseasesMultiple sclerosis, life threatening illness or accident that serves as  a wake-up call
For healing the
Crown Chakra
There is  no healing food for this Chakra but for healing this Chakra, you have to Meditate and take clean breath, fresh air and sunshine.
How to wear 7 Chakras Healing Bracelet
The Bracelet is already Energized before being sent and therefore one can directly start wearing it from any Monday morning after taking bath. One may also recite "OM LAM VAM RAM YAM HAM OM AH" for 21 times before wearing the 7 Chakras Bracelet.

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