Rudraksha Bracelets

Rudraksha Bracelets

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The word Rudraksha is derived from sandhi or combination of the two Sanskrit words Rudra – Another name of Lord Shiva and Aksha - means “eyes”. Lord Shiva himself is the first avid user and admirer of Rudraksha. Worshippers of Shiva and sages started using Rudraksha as a blessing from Lord Shiva himself in order to protect mankind from worldly torment and hardships. The botanical name of Rudraksha tree is “Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb”. Along with the development of modern science, many scientists have researched for evidences that strongly support the ancient thesis on the paramount significance of Rudraksha. All the scientists emerged with their research that certified and established the divine power of Rudraksha beads. The Seed of this plant has a coarse outer surface and has a hole passing through it from top to bottom. On the outside of each seed there are from 1 to 21 vertical lines running down its surface, like the longitude lines on our Globe. These lines are known as Mukhas, or Facets, and are formed naturally on its own. Seeds with one vertical line are called Ek-mukhi (one facet); those with two lines are called Two-mukhi (two facets) and likewise. Every bead has a specific effect on you, depending on the number of Mukhis it bears. Anyone on this earth irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality or gender can use Rudraksha to gain ultimate mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and worldly benefits.


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