| LEO (July 23 - August 22) | BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT ZODIAC SIGN - LEO SYMBOL The Lion RULING PLANET The Sun ELEMENT Fire (spirit & energy) MODALITY Fixed (strong and solid) COLOR Gold, Orange METAL Silver POLARITY Aquarius Special Quality - I WILL | POSITIVES : Generous, Self-assured, Warm-hearted, Creative, witty, enthusiastic, broad-minded, flamboyant, expansive, fluent-talker, vivacious, faithful, loving, powerful, ambitious and born entertainers. | NEGATIVES : Pompous, Lavish spenders, prideful, self-centered, patronizing, bossy, overbearing, bombastic, interfering, dogmatic, intolerant, fixed in opinion. | HEALTH CONCERNS : Physiologically, Leo governs the upper back, forearms, wrist, spine and heart. Its natives are subject to a number of ailments: pain in the back and lungs, spinal complaints, diseases of the heart and blood, sickness in ribs and sides, convulsions, pleasantries, violent burning fevers including, in former days, when they were prevalent, plague, pestilence, jaundice, and some afflictions of the eyes. | PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Full stature with well developed bones and broad shoulders, commanding and majestic appearance, oval faced, upper part of the body generally well formed, thin waist, blue or yellow eyes. | POSITIVES - I WILL | - The Lion will proudly assume the role of leader in all situations, whether accepted by others or not. Generally others are accepting because of your confidence, swagger and friendliness.
| - Leoians love of life is attracting to all and they will follow you almost anywhere.
| - Leoians are often motivated by affection for people, and they usually believe in making people (their subjects) happy. They make great friends.
| - Leoians are attracted to the good things in life, and they know they have to work hard to get them.
| - The King loves a challenge. No matter the issue you put your chin up and walk into the Frey and usual others will follow.
| NEGATIVES - Too Proud | - Leoians strive for attention and sometimes it is so obvious that you turn off the very people you sought to impress.
| - Leoians believe in their greatness to the extent of ignoring bad decisions, especially in finances. Do not let ego and pride lead you to financial disaster.
| - Leoians could have no money and they would still go to the best restaurants and worry about how to pay for it later. The regal-ego can make you think you need the best of everything, but a good King realizes their limitations.
| - Leoians often get upset and angry with others when expectations of others are not met. You must remember to focus on others positives, all are not royal like lion always.
| - The Lion loves to rest on the Savannah and therefore they have a definite lazy streak. They will take the easy way out sometimes, especially if fun or glory isn't in the picture.
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